Independence Day and a Powerful Lesson in Achievement

December 21, 2020
# min read
Howard Litwak

America's independence is a widely celebrated achievement across our country. But, have you ever looked deeply into the lessons which can be learned from our history and their significance to you? Many people haven't. When applied to your business, these lessons can lead you to achieve on the same scale our founding fathers did. Whoa, pretty cool.

Here is an excellent refresher of the events which led to the founding of the United States, highlighting the success principles mastered and successfully implemented by our founding fathers:

On July 4th, 1776 Thomas Jefferson stood before the newly formed assembly and fearlessly read the most momentous decision ever placed on paper:

"When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with one another, and to assume among the powers of the earth the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature's God entitle them."

Analyzing the events which led to the Declaration of Independence shows principles that every individual and organization can use to succeed. The power which gave this nation its freedom is the power made up by these principles. Note also (with great personal benefit) that these principles and the power are available to everyone. Many people don't take full advantage of it. Do you?

They are:

  • Desire- To long or hope for; to express a wish for.
  • Decision- A promptness and firmness in deciding.
  • Faith- A firm belief in something for which there is no proof.
  • Persistence- The quality of remaining unchanged or fixed in a specified character, condition, or position.
  • Master-Mind Group - A coordination of effort and knowledge in a spirit of harmony, between two or more people to attain a definite purpose.
  • Organized Planning- The formation of a definite practical plan or plans through which desire can be turned into reality.

You live every day the result of the application of these principles by a group of courageous men.

The Master-Mind Group formed by Samuel Adams, Richard Henry Lee, and John Hancock began to use this power. This led to organizing the Committee of Correspondence to put the members' hearts, minds, souls, and bodies together in one decision to settle their difficulty with the British once and for all. The committee arranged for a meeting of the First Continental Congress in September of 1774.

This was a Master-Mind Group of 56 courageous men, immune to fear, blind to the possibility of failure, and willing to stake their entire existence on the attainment of their goal. Wow!

Who do you turn to for guidance and different viewpoints from your own? Who helps you make important decisions? What is your attitude towards success? What is your attitude towards failure?

These 56 men desired freedom more than anything else and decided to draw up and sign a Declaration of Independence. This is the most significant decision of all time, at least as far as any American is concerned.

What is it that YOU desire more than anything else? (This will be the most important decision you ever make!)

This desire and decision insured the success of Washington's armies because the spirit of the decision was in the heart of every soldier who fought with him. It is this spirit to an internal power that recognizes no such thing as failure. The feelings and emotions behind the desire for freedom, mixed with faith, gave birth to our nation, and changed the face of history.

Do you have any doubts as to your ability to accomplish what you want?

In the history of our country, this tremendous lesson in personal achievement is plainly taught. The fundamental forces of Desire, Decision, Faith, Persistence, Master Mind Group, and Organized Planning ensured our freedom.

These same forces can be used by every person who surmounts the difficulties of life and forces life to pay whatever price is asked. READ THIS AGAIN! These are core principles of success and are available to everyone.

Here is what you need to do:

  1. Believe in your goals. No matter how big.
  2. Expect positive outcomes.
  3. Plan so that you can take RIGHT ACTION and
  4. Always demand of the world what you desire.

Whether it be financial independence and riches, business growth, or personal goals, do these four things, and they will be within your reach. You just need to desire what you want in the same spirit that Samuel Adams desired freedom for the colonies.

What could YOU accomplish if you dared to be immune to fear and blind to the possibility of failure?

So there you have it, the road map to your desired success. These are simple concepts, but they are not simplistic.

Remember though; this is an all or nothing proposition! It's not "I'll do it when I feel like it or when I remember." Make these principles a part of who you are, and success is sure to follow, like the freedom we all enjoy following Samuel Adams and the others.

*Adapted from "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill

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