Our Latest Thinking

Our experts share their expertise to help business leaders drive success.

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Navigating the Road to Success: Strategic and Operating Plans Explained

While the strategic plan lays out the long-term vision and goals, the operating plan breaks these into practical steps, offering an organized and clear approach to business management. Both plans are essential in navigating the intricate business world and guiding the organization toward success.
Doug Brown
October 4, 2023
Strategic & Tactical Planning

Water Changes Everything

Because of Charity Water, about 17 million people across 29 countries now have access to clean water. There are still 770 million yet to go. Wouldn't it be wonderful to enable clean water for everyone who needs it during our lifetime?
Janice Giannini
August 23, 2023
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What Does Effective Leadership Look Like?

Values, responsibility as a role model, focus, and communication serve as the foundation for effective leadership. A strong, stable foundation will help avoid constant trauma.
Janice Giannini
August 23, 2023
Leadership & Management Effectiveness

Wait! I'm Your Coach, Not Your Therapist

Our assessments often open a client’s eyes to behaviors and characteristics that may not have been recognized by the person. Starting from there, a person can build on their strengths, set new goals, and forge a new path to a fruitful life.
Grant Tate
August 23, 2023
Individual Coaching & Self-improvement

The Double Edged Sword of Personal Assessment Instruments

Personal assessment instruments, from personality quizzes to aptitude tests, promise a glimpse into our traits, potential, and inner workings. However, as with all instruments, they come with benefits and potential pitfalls. This article sheds light on some of the most significant concerns to consider when selecting a tool or instrument.
Doug Brown
August 23, 2023
Leadership & Management Effectiveness

Why is Fostering Excellent Customer Experience So Challenging

If your customers' experiences don't meet your desired outcome, you may want to re-evaluate and re-align your foundational embedded assumptions about peoples' wants and needs.
Janice Giannini
July 11, 2023
Customer Loyalty & Customer Service

The Power of Walking In Your Customer's Shoes

Live in your customers' experiences. You may be surprised by what you learn.
Grant Tate
July 11, 2023
Customer Loyalty & Customer Service

When is Leadership Taught Versus Learned

The distinction between when leadership is learned versus when it's taught isn't always clear-cut. These examples highlight that learning and teaching leadership often occur concurrently and continuously.
Doug Brown
May 31, 2023
Leadership & Management Effectiveness

Leadership Development: The Value of Good Role Models

We have all had role models, those who have taught us valuable tips and lessons that propelled us forward and helped us develop the leadership skills we have today. Being a role model ourselves can be invaluable as well.
Eileen Nonemaker
May 31, 2023
Leadership & Management Effectiveness

Leadership: It May Be Easier Than You Think

Business is indeed about money, growth, and profits. But a good leader also recognizes that business is very personal to every human at every level that interacts with that business.
Janice Giannini
May 31, 2023
Leadership & Management Effectiveness
Building Teams & Employee Engagement
Customer Loyalty & Customer Service
Individual Coaching & Self-improvement
Leadership & Management Effectiveness
Performance Excellence, Process Improvement & Lean Concepts
Sales & Revenue Generation
Strategic & Tactical Planning
Succession & Human Resource Planning
Technology Leadership
Time Management

Don’t let your competitors gain the upper hand. Contact us today to discover how 'Breakthrough Thinking for Your Real World' can position your business to thrive.

We’re dedicated to helping you achieve your goals. If you have any questions or feedback, contact us directly by phone or email. Your insights are invaluable in refining the solutions we provide and delivering the results you expect.

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