Our Latest Thinking

Our experts share their expertise to help business leaders drive success.

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What Smart Companies Are Doing to Address the Tech Talent Shortage

The most cost effective, direct way to address the problem is to tap into the pool of already interested and highly qualified.
Janice Giannini
December 25, 2020
Technology Leadership

How to Change Your Mindset about Business Development

There are tremendous rewards that come from helping people solve problems.
Mike O'Reilly
December 24, 2020
Sales & Revenue Generation

The US is Throwing Away its Competitive Advantage

"The mere desire to not be biased is not enough to overcome decades of cultural conditioning and can even lend more credence to post-hoc justifications," writes Thomas. If tech culture is going to change, everyone will have to change, especially men and most especially leaders.
Janice Giannini
December 23, 2020
Technology Leadership

Advertising Values or "Living Our Values" Can We Tell the Difference Anymore?

The principle role of leadership of any group be it government organization, company, department or work team is to set the core values that drive the team. If asked the direct question, "what are your core values?", many, if not all leaders would recite the company's value statement that hangs on the wall or in some cases is printed on a card they carry in their pocket. The question is no longer can we read it and remember it. We have succeeded with that necessary first step. The question at this point is, "Are we living them?" Do we have "advertising values" or do "we have values we live?"
Janice Giannini
December 22, 2020
Leadership & Management Effectiveness

Independence Day and a Powerful Lesson in Achievement

Analyzing the events which led to the Declaration of Independence shows principles that, when applied to your business, can lead you to achieve on the same scale our founding fathers did.
Howard Litwak
December 21, 2020
Individual Coaching & Self-improvement

Did You Do Your Homework?

In in a sales career, the work "homework" has a different meaning. When I asked my team that all important question - Did you do your homework? - I meant did YOU.
Eileen Nonemaker
December 20, 2020
Sales & Revenue Generation

Protect Your Identity

There are many steps people can take to safeguard their identity; although there is no ironclad guarantee it will be safe.
Janice Giannini
December 19, 2020
Technology Leadership

Wanna' Fight?

It's not uncommon to shy away from conflict even if it is simple disagreement.
Rob Long
December 18, 2020
Sales & Revenue Generation
Individual Coaching & Self-improvement

Why Effective Questioning Leads to Sales

When you ask a question, the receiver is compelled to respond, either aloud if the question is direct, or silently if it is rhetorical.
Howard Litwak
December 17, 2020
Sales & Revenue Generation

Aha Moments and Double Edged Swords

The conclusion of the researchers was that collaboration appeared to have opposite effects for the stage of searching for information and the stage of searching for solutions.
Janice Giannini
December 16, 2020
Building Teams & Employee Engagement
Building Teams & Employee Engagement
Customer Loyalty & Customer Service
Individual Coaching & Self-improvement
Leadership & Management Effectiveness
Performance Excellence, Process Improvement & Lean Concepts
Sales & Revenue Generation
Strategic & Tactical Planning
Succession & Human Resource Planning
Technology Leadership
Time Management

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